The Blade Itself

Book 1 of The First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie This book focuses mainly on character development and very little in plot. It’s primarily a set up book for the rest of the series. What is it about? I still don’t know yet. It is a grimdark fantasy following 3 main characters and 3 importantContinue reading “The Blade Itself”

Rhythm of War – A Review, sorta.

This post contains SPOILERS for Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson. Book 4 of the Stormlight Archives. This isn’t going to a full on review. There is just so much to cover and not a lot of time for something like that. If you’re interested in that then I suggest YouTube. There are lots ofContinue reading “Rhythm of War – A Review, sorta.”

All Systems Red

by Martha Wells The Murderbot Diaries sweeping 4 novella and 1 full novel, is a sci-fi series about an artificial construct (meaning robot with organic parts, particularly a Security Unit (Or Sec Unit), who hacked his system to become independent and calls himself Murderbot. He is contracted to a group of scientists for a surveyingContinue reading “All Systems Red”

His Majesty’s Dragon

by Naomi Novik ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Published in 2006 as Temeraire in the UK, the US title changed to His Majesty’s Dragon. An alternate history set during the Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815), intelligent and sapient dragons (like many portrayals of dragons) are used in aerial warfare. This first book of 9 describes how Captain William Laurence of theContinue reading “His Majesty’s Dragon”

Fantasy I’ve Read and Fantasy I Want to Read

My favorite genre is fantasy. I like all types of fantasy, but high epic adult is best to me. I first started reading fantasy with Harry Potter, which is YA, when I was in sixth grade. My older brother (by 7 years) has many, many, many fantasy books that I borrowed as I grew up.Continue reading “Fantasy I’ve Read and Fantasy I Want to Read”

Favorite Series of All Time

Thought I’d do a little post on what series is my favorite of all time. I have many series that I love and will reread many times over. Most books I read tend to be part of a series. Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Mistborn, just to name a few. However, my mostContinue reading “Favorite Series of All Time”

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