A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor by Hank Green

The Carls #2. Book # 4.5 of 2021. (One book straddled 2020 and 2021) this will obviously have some spoilers if you haven’t read the first book, An Absolutely Remarkable Thing. In this sequel, April takes a back seat to the commentary for several chapters. Her friends speak to us of their journey months afterContinue reading “A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor by Hank Green”

All Systems Red

by Martha Wells The Murderbot Diaries sweeping 4 novella and 1 full novel, is a sci-fi series about an artificial construct (meaning robot with organic parts, particularly a Security Unit (Or Sec Unit), who hacked his system to become independent and calls himself Murderbot. He is contracted to a group of scientists for a surveyingContinue reading “All Systems Red”

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