A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor by Hank Green

The Carls #2. Book # 4.5 of 2021. (One book straddled 2020 and 2021) this will obviously have some spoilers if you haven’t read the first book, An Absolutely Remarkable Thing. In this sequel, April takes a back seat to the commentary for several chapters. Her friends speak to us of their journey months afterContinue reading “A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor by Hank Green”

Cinder – Melissa Meyer

The Lunar Chronicles #1 – a Cinderella inspired sci-fi. 4/5 Stars. The prose needs a lot of work. Spoilers to follow, of course. Overall, I really enjoyed this novel. I look forward to continuing the series, eventually. (I’m going alphabetically so it’s not time yet.) Cinder is a cyborg in New Beijing in the distantContinue reading “Cinder – Melissa Meyer”

Murderbot Diaries

I posted a review for All Systems Red, the first novella of this series, already. I’ve since been sort of binge reading the rest. I wanted to finish it all before I wrote another review, doing it all at once. This series is so fascinating. It has an over arching storyline covering 4 novellas andContinue reading “Murderbot Diaries”

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