Balcony of Fog by Rich Shapero – Chapter 1

I’m writing a review on just the first chapter of this book for right now. Balcony of Fog. I entered a bunch of giveaways on Book Riot, forgetting about it, and this book arriving in the mail sometime later. Hey, free book, sure. I had no idea what This book contained. The description is “AContinue reading “Balcony of Fog by Rich Shapero – Chapter 1”

An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green

5 Stars I’ll just go ahead and say that now. This was so much better than I expected. Finding a rating for this was difficult. Once it was over it had to marinate in my head. It only took a few minutes thinking back on all the events that happened in the book to realizeContinue reading “An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green”

All Systems Red

by Martha Wells The Murderbot Diaries sweeping 4 novella and 1 full novel, is a sci-fi series about an artificial construct (meaning robot with organic parts, particularly a Security Unit (Or Sec Unit), who hacked his system to become independent and calls himself Murderbot. He is contracted to a group of scientists for a surveyingContinue reading “All Systems Red”

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