His Majesty’s Dragon

by Naomi Novik ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Published in 2006 as Temeraire in the UK, the US title changed to His Majesty’s Dragon. An alternate history set during the Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815), intelligent and sapient dragons (like many portrayals of dragons) are used in aerial warfare. This first book of 9 describes how Captain William Laurence of theContinue reading “His Majesty’s Dragon”

Next Up For 2020

As I just finished up reading Shine by Jessica Jung, I wanted to plan out the remainder of 2020 – all one month and 3 weeks of it. Currently I am working on Dragonflight by Anne McCaffery. I have only gotten like one paragraph into it so far. /shrug. I’ve heard some things about thisContinue reading “Next Up For 2020”

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