The Girl With The Seven Names

by Hyeonseo Lee There is something not right with critiquing or reviewing biographies, especially autobiographies. It’s their life story, not a fictional novel. That being said, this was a phenomenal read. Hyeonseo Lee defected from North Korea when she was 17. It took her over ten years to be reunited and free, with her family.Continue reading “The Girl With The Seven Names”

Shine by Jessica Jung: a review

Warning: Rambling may occur. I’ll try to keep it short and simple. Jessica Jung; model, singer, fashion designer, now author. Shine was released on September 29, 2020 to be a fictional look into the K-pop trainee life. Already a movie is in the works and a sequel novel is titled; Bright. I have followed JessicaContinue reading “Shine by Jessica Jung: a review”

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