2020 Wrap Up

Hello beautiful people ~ I used to read a lot. I didn’t keep track so I couldn’t tell you exactly, but I was a bookworm I fell out of reading for the most part some time ago. I’m definitely a mood reader. for the longest time my older brother was my library. I read whatContinue reading “2020 Wrap Up”

Dawnshard Review

by Brandon Sanderson Dawnshard is the new novella in The Stormlight Archive, occuring 3 months after the events in Oathbringer. It follows along Rysn, a Thaylen merchant we saw before during interludes, and Lopen, the once one-armed Herdazian now Radiant, on their adventure to discover an Oathgate on the mysterious  island Aimia. I probably wouldn’tContinue reading “Dawnshard Review”

Next Up For 2020

As I just finished up reading Shine by Jessica Jung, I wanted to plan out the remainder of 2020 – all one month and 3 weeks of it. Currently I am working on Dragonflight by Anne McCaffery. I have only gotten like one paragraph into it so far. /shrug. I’ve heard some things about thisContinue reading “Next Up For 2020”

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