Fantasy I’ve Read and Fantasy I Want to Read

My favorite genre is fantasy. I like all types of fantasy, but high epic adult is best to me. I first started reading fantasy with Harry Potter, which is YA, when I was in sixth grade. My older brother (by 7 years) has many, many, many fantasy books that I borrowed as I grew up.Continue reading “Fantasy I’ve Read and Fantasy I Want to Read”

Next Up For 2020

As I just finished up reading Shine by Jessica Jung, I wanted to plan out the remainder of 2020 – all one month and 3 weeks of it. Currently I am working on Dragonflight by Anne McCaffery. I have only gotten like one paragraph into it so far. /shrug. I’ve heard some things about thisContinue reading “Next Up For 2020”

Shine by Jessica Jung: a review

Warning: Rambling may occur. I’ll try to keep it short and simple. Jessica Jung; model, singer, fashion designer, now author. Shine was released on September 29, 2020 to be a fictional look into the K-pop trainee life. Already a movie is in the works and a sequel novel is titled; Bright. I have followed JessicaContinue reading “Shine by Jessica Jung: a review”

The Guest List – Spoilers

by Lucy Foley Trigger Warning: mentions of suicide and abortion. The Guest List is a thriller murder mystery set on a remote island just off mainland Ireland. It revolves around a high profile wedding of Jules (a successful online magazine owner) and Will (actor of a successful survival reality show). We get POVs from severalContinue reading “The Guest List – Spoilers”

The Cask of Amontillado

Being spooky season and only having a week left of October I thought some short stories would do nicely. Edgar Allen Poe is famous for his dark short stories, this one in particular. Also seems fitting that he died in October. I remember reading this in English class back in high school. Even though it’sContinue reading “The Cask of Amontillado”

Favorite Series of All Time

Thought I’d do a little post on what series is my favorite of all time. I have many series that I love and will reread many times over. Most books I read tend to be part of a series. Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Mistborn, just to name a few. However, my mostContinue reading “Favorite Series of All Time”

Murder on the Orient Express

My first read of October was Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie. I purposefully chose a mystery for the spooky-dook season. I don’t normally go for mysteries, but Agatha Christie is the queen of mystery so I figured this was a good place to start. Besides, I have seen the movie already soContinue reading “Murder on the Orient Express”

About Me

Hi, I’m Rachel. I work part time and mother full time. When I’m not spending time with my wonderful daughter and husband I love reading, watching good movies, and exploring the world. 5 Bookish facts about me: Favorite genre: Fantasy Favorite author: Brandon Sanderson Favorite series: Belgariad by David Eddings Number of books read inContinue reading “About Me”

September 2020

What I read in September! I read a total of 3 1/2 books. 1/2 because I didn’t finish one and still working on it into October. I don’t have a lot of time to read between working and a baby, but I try hard to read when I can. I take advantage of audiobooks whenContinue reading “September 2020”

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