I’m Thinking of Ending Things

by Iain Reid A Book review plus Book vs Movie Comparison I’m Thinking of Ending Things is a horror, psychological, suspense fiction and a quick read. It follows a young new couple as they take a long drive to meet the boyfriend’s parents. The leading lady is nameless throughout the book. It’s all told throughContinue reading “I’m Thinking of Ending Things”

The Girl With The Seven Names

by Hyeonseo Lee There is something not right with critiquing or reviewing biographies, especially autobiographies. It’s their life story, not a fictional novel. That being said, this was a phenomenal read. Hyeonseo Lee defected from North Korea when she was 17. It took her over ten years to be reunited and free, with her family.Continue reading “The Girl With The Seven Names”

The Loop

by Jeremey Robert Johnson Turner Falls is a small tourist town nestled in the hills of western Oregon, the kind of town you escape to for a vacation. When an inexplicable outbreak rapidly develops, this idyllic town becomes the epicenter of an epidemic of violence as the teenaged children of several executives from the localContinue reading “The Loop”

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

By V. E. Schwab 4 Stars! I could not put this book down. It was fun and intriguing. I would have given it a 5 stars, but there were a few chapters that dragged a little taking away from some exciting bits at just the worst time. The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue is aContinue reading “The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue”

The Blade Itself

Book 1 of The First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie This book focuses mainly on character development and very little in plot. It’s primarily a set up book for the rest of the series. What is it about? I still don’t know yet. It is a grimdark fantasy following 3 main characters and 3 importantContinue reading “The Blade Itself”

The Diary of A Young Girl

by Anne Frank There is something not quite right with reviewing a teenagers diary. It wasn’t originally written to be a story to enjoy or as lessons to learn. As an aspiring writer and knowing they wanted to collect diaries after the war, Anne did begin to edit her diary. Anne did not know theContinue reading “The Diary of A Young Girl”

A Darker Shade of Magic

By V.E. Schwab 4 Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐ There are four London’s, parallel but nothing alike except in name and location. Named with colors they are Red, White, Grey, and Black London. Magic has varying levels of presence in each London. Red is most balanced, White has so much that the world is literally turning colorless, GreyContinue reading “A Darker Shade of Magic”

Death on the Nile

A Hercules Poirot Novel by Agatha Christie ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4 stars. Mystery has never really been my thing for books. Love them as a movie. Since I started to read more this past five months I have been trying to expand the genres I read. (I always leaned more to fantasy and some science fiction.) AsContinue reading “Death on the Nile”

The Tower of Nero

The Trials of Apollo #5 – The Tower of Nero by Rick Riordan. This book earns itself a whole 5 stars. I love greek mythology, so when I first heard about and read Percy Jackson I fell in love. A modern reimagining with new stories and adventures. The series has two continuing series, The TrialsContinue reading “The Tower of Nero”

A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor by Hank Green

The Carls #2. Book # 4.5 of 2021. (One book straddled 2020 and 2021) this will obviously have some spoilers if you haven’t read the first book, An Absolutely Remarkable Thing. In this sequel, April takes a back seat to the commentary for several chapters. Her friends speak to us of their journey months afterContinue reading “A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor by Hank Green”

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