Death on the Nile

A Hercules Poirot Novel by Agatha Christie

⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4 stars.

Mystery has never really been my thing for books. Love them as a movie. Since I started to read more this past five months I have been trying to expand the genres I read. (I always leaned more to fantasy and some science fiction.)

As Agatha Christie is the mother of mystery, or whatever her nickname is. Queen? Anyways, I’ve been reading her books here and there. If you’ve read anything by me previously you might know I read and reviewed The Murder on the Orient Express and And Then There Were None.

So, Death on the Nile is my second Hercules Poirot novel, but third Agatha Christie. All in all it felt a little too similar to Orient Express. It was almost a copy and paste but change the characters and setting. There was a twist towards the end in the details which was fabulous.

I did love this book. It has some interesting characters, took place on a boat, involved my new favorite detective (he is so adorable), and the ending was brilliant. Linnet is beautiful and rich, underaged from receiving her trust, and just got married. To her best friends fiancé. Gasp! The scandal already. Jacqueline, the best friend, is stalking them on their honeymoon, across Europe and primarily Egypt. Simon, the new husband, is seemingly in love with Linnet after just being as equally in love with Jacqueline mere months ago. And Poirot, just on vacation and never able to get away from murders he has to solve. I really can’t get over his personality and skill. He notices everything almost as if it takes not effort at all. He is sweet and patient and compassionate. We do get to see a glimpse of him being a bit smug in his ego, but we forgive that. He knows he’s proud of his skills, but it just adds a nice flaw to his character.

I don’t want to give too much away. The plot is so well done and intricate that I was trying to follow it and pick up on hints and clues to no avail. I wonder at Agatha’s brilliance to how she can plan every detail so perfectly. I suppose knowing the ending and working backwards would be a start, or something to that effect.

So other than being too similar in format and style to Orient Express, I absolutely loved Death on the Nile. I am really looking forward to the movie later this year.

Published by rsmcjunkins

I'm Rachel. I am an Aries, a Ravenclaw, and ISTP (Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving and represents individual's preferences in four dimensions characterizing personality type, according to Jung's and Briggs Myers' theories of personality type.) My favorite genre is fantasy, favorite music is kpop, and color is pink. I have a beautiful baby girl and a loving husband with two fur babies, one cat and one dog. I love spending time in the forest on walking trails along little streams and travelling the globe with my family.

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