Cinder – Melissa Meyer

The Lunar Chronicles #1 – a Cinderella inspired sci-fi.

4/5 Stars. The prose needs a lot of work. Spoilers to follow, of course.

Overall, I really enjoyed this novel. I look forward to continuing the series, eventually. (I’m going alphabetically so it’s not time yet.)

Cinder is a cyborg in New Beijing in the distant future. She was adopted by her “stepfather” (why she calls everyone step when she’s adopted is beyond me) and he dies shortly after. Her “stepmother” is atrocious, because this is Cinderella. Surprisingly, Cinder does get along with her younger stepsister, Peony. There is a plague going on that is incurable (that seems kind of relatable actually). The moon is now occupied by the Lunars, who happen to now have a bioelectrical ability to control peoples feelings and how they are see. If they don’t use their powers they go crazy…but to use their powers is to manipulate everyone around you? That is a very poorly designed magic system….

So, Cinder is a renowned mechanic, because she’s a cyborg so why not. She’s hated and not seen as human for being a cyborg. There are so many things wrong with this future, you’d think people wouldn’t be so bad eventually. Guess not. We wouldn’t have a story otherwise, however. Back on track, Prince Kai comes to Cinder’s repair book for help with an android and things begin from there. You think they fall in love? Well, mostly you’re right. Until he finds out she’s a cyborg. And (SPOILER) Lunar. Earthen’s hate Lunars and vise versa. That makes a lot of sense considering. Another spoiler, Cinder is the long lost thought dead princess of Lunar.

Other characters include; Peony who catches the plague, the one person her actually loved her! Iko, her little assistant android is adorable and weird, but not actually alive. Dr. Erland who studies her and is also Lunar but going crazy for not really using his power, he’s on Cinder’s side as well. Kai, the handsome prince who isn’t ready to be Emporor after his parents die to the plague. The rest of the family; Adri and Pearl, mother and sister respectfully, both awful. and Levana, the evil Lunar queen.

To not give much else away with the plot and to keep this nice and short; for all it’s problems I did really enjoy reading this. After the first few chapters I was hooked and couldn’t stop. I felt Cinder’s personality was relatable and understandable. She just wanted to be free and normal. What she got was so much worse. I’m excited to see where her story goes in the sequels. Does she get the prince eventually or what?? We will see next time in the Lunar Chronicles.

Published by rsmcjunkins

I'm Rachel. I am an Aries, a Ravenclaw, and ISTP (Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving and represents individual's preferences in four dimensions characterizing personality type, according to Jung's and Briggs Myers' theories of personality type.) My favorite genre is fantasy, favorite music is kpop, and color is pink. I have a beautiful baby girl and a loving husband with two fur babies, one cat and one dog. I love spending time in the forest on walking trails along little streams and travelling the globe with my family.

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