Rhythm of War – A Review, sorta.

This post contains SPOILERS for Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson. Book 4 of the Stormlight Archives.

This isn’t going to a full on review. There is just so much to cover and not a lot of time for something like that. If you’re interested in that then I suggest YouTube. There are lots of channels for that. Especially 17th Shard. So much content! What I am going to do is list out the Top 5 best moments and the Worst 5. In my own opinion! Not in any particular order, mainly ordered by whatever comes to mind first. So to keep this short and sweet, hopefully, let’s just jump in!! Don’t forget, there will be spoilers.

1- Kaladin

Kaladin goes through a remarkable amount of things as usual, but maybe a little amped up. He’s released from duty and trying to find his new way, dealing with depression, losing people left and right in various ways, his father hates him, and he loses some of his abilities and Syl for a time. It all ends up leading to the 4th Ideal as suspected. The journey before destination was done so well. His overall arc is so sad, but turns out so satisfying. I would have liked to see a bit of his relationship with Lyn, it was all off screen before the book even started. It was a shocking moment that was then over on a blink of an eye, if not even quicker than that.

2- Venli and Eshoni Flashbacks

I did not care for Venli’s chapters or the flashbacks. Yes, it was nice to see some inner workings of the Singers and Fused, but it was also on the annoying side. Reading of their attuned to emotions got a bit old in book one. Eshoni’s final chapter was beautiful. It was nice to see her get some closure for her life. Venli didn’t feel particularly sympathetic, even when she was trying to redeem herself. I have seen that some people didn’t care for her parts either until the end and some loved it all. I wish Venli trusted and listened to Timbre a lot more than she did, which was not at all.

3- Navoni

Navani gets to be a badass and have her moment finally. We see how bad her marriage with Gavilar was and watch her grow into confidence under Raboniel’s guide, even if she was technically a prisoner. Honestly, being a prisoner for Raboniel in particular was such a good thing for Navoni. She would never have discovered all the things she did otherwise. I wasn’t much of a Navoni fan before, she was just kind of there, being useless. Now, she’s a little more useful. At the same time, but Rlain. He was meant to bond Sibling. How cool would that have been?? He does end up with a spren of his own eventually so it works out, I suppose.

4- Taravangian

What a douche. I never did like him. Now he’s literally an evil God. What the heck, Sanderson. And we shouldn’t even be surprised after Sazed became Harmony! We knew it was possible. His scheming little smart mouth. I don’t think he ever had good intentions. I don’t even have to say that I hope he is defeated by Honor’s champion in book five. I kinda hope the champion isn’t Dalinar, but it seems like it will be. I don’t know who I hope it ends up being.

5- Raboniel

What an amazing villain. I don’t even hate her. She was fascinating. I don’t think she was ever actually mean to anyone. Tough, but not mean. She encouraged Navoni. She was patient with Venli. Sure, she took over the tower and let her people do a few questionable things. She spied on Navoni’s conversations with the Sibling and counter acted to trap Kaladin, then fought him. I wouldn’t say she was mean about it, though. She is still a villain after all. Just a pretty cool one. I hope we get to see more of her in flashbacks.

6- Shallan/Herself

I wanted to slap Shallan so much. I had to remind myself that her mental illness is the problem and you can’t really do much about that. I just wanted her to face this thing already. It had been a year, time to stop hiding and put your big girl pants on. She can’t and I understand that. She did eventually though! Sorta. She absorbed Veil and Formless emerged for a moment before being taken care of, as far as we know. Shallan had a badass moment with Mraize at the end telling him off and being decisive. I would have liked to see a little more of this trip with more eventful happenings than just travelling and a trial, but less of the spying. It does seem like a boring trip for screentime. Shadesmar isn’t exactly thrilling, ever.


Oh my, I love this couple! I loved that Adolin helped Maya so much that eventually she was able to speak for herself! Still such a long way to go, but it is amazing so far. Adolin is such a sweetheart caring about her and Shallan. Granted he shakes off too many things that Shallan has done without any questions expect to tease. Unconditional love is great, but be smart. Work on that brain a bit, bud. I do hope to see more of Maya and Adolin in the future. More now would have been nice. Unfortunately to see full Maya they have to be in Shadesmar.

8- Moash and Teft

Eff Moash. Nuff said. Crying for Teft!! The poor man finally getting things right and doing so good for himself and he dies. The worst thing Moash could have done! He better die soon. Even off screen would be fine. He trips and breaks a neck or something. Or Kaladin comes for him on page. Either way. Maybe with the rest of Bridge 4 at his back helping, finally knowing what Moash did. They still don’t know! Kaladin should have just gotten it over with in the beginning. I’m F*** Moash.

9- Cosmere content

So much Cosmere! Every chapter seemed to have some sort of mention to another planet or worldhopper. You know what I noticed earlier today, days after having finished the book? NIGHTBLOOD AND VASHER ARE IN THE TOWER TOGETHER AT ONE POINT AND NEVER INTERACT!! As far as we know. Did Nightblood really not sense Vasher nearby?? Oh goodness. And then we have Kelsier as the Ghostblood leader. So many others than I’m sure I’m forgetting.

10- It ended.

What else can I say? I want more and I don’t want to wait until 2022! I understand Brandon Sanderson needs some time away from such a heavy and big world.

I hope to see Rock come back. I don’t know who the focus is for 5, maybe Szeth? Szeth and Kaladin on a road trip! That’ll be interesting. Wait so Kaladin won’t be around for the fight or being in 10 days they leave after….? I also want to see what more the tower can do now with the Sibling and Navoni bonded. How will the airships progress, what do they decide on for fabriel’s, can we see more of Renarin, more of Wit and Jasnah’s relationship, and everything else! I need more.

The End!

Published by rsmcjunkins

I'm Rachel. I am an Aries, a Ravenclaw, and ISTP (Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving and represents individual's preferences in four dimensions characterizing personality type, according to Jung's and Briggs Myers' theories of personality type.) My favorite genre is fantasy, favorite music is kpop, and color is pink. I have a beautiful baby girl and a loving husband with two fur babies, one cat and one dog. I love spending time in the forest on walking trails along little streams and travelling the globe with my family.

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