Next Up For 2020

As I just finished up reading Shine by Jessica Jung, I wanted to plan out the remainder of 2020 – all one month and 3 weeks of it.

Currently I am working on Dragonflight by Anne McCaffery. I have only gotten like one paragraph into it so far. /shrug. I’ve heard some things about this that aren’t so good, but I know a lot of people love the Pern series. Also, I’ve had the book for a while and don’t remember how I got the first one. My grandma gave me a really old copy that has several books in one.

His Majesty’s Dragon by Naomi Novik is my other current read. I heard Booktuber Elliot Brooks mention it in a recent video and thought it sounded really interesting. I don’t read a lot of alternate history’s, but when it’s got fantasy mixed in I’m up for trying it. I’m only a chapter into it and so far really enjoying it.

Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson comes out on Nov. 17 so I’ll be reading that as soon as it arrives in the mail. I preordered it months ago. I’m really excited for this and getting so pumped by watching spoiler free videos on Youtube. My favorite videos have been by, again, Elliot Brooks. She has a spoiler free review video, a recap of the first 3 books video, and a favorite scenes of the first 3 ranked video. I don’t want to watch any reviews for it yet so I’ve only watched the other two videos so far.

I like lists and make them a lot. Unfortunately, I don’t always follow through with them. I already started Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. I liked part 1, then I got bored. So for the time being I am putting that on hold; probably going to pick it back up at a future date. I wanted to theme each month by genre or theme; October was for Halloweeny type books, November ended up being new releases since that’s a majority of what I wanted to read, with December being possibly winter themed.

Spreadsheet of my TBR

Dawnshard by Brandon Sanderson is a novella set to take place before Rhythm of War. Sadly it’s not on wide release until about December. Only those who backed the Kickstarter for the leather-bound edition of Way of Kings got it early. ($100 for a leather-bound of his books might just be worth it but I can’t afford that.)

Several of the books are on hold at my digital library so who knows when I’ll actually get to reading those. I am probably going to have to find replacements for them. I am very much a mood reader as well. So, we will see what I actually end up reading, but this is my goal for now.

I’ll write another post later on about 2021 and how the rest of 2020 went. Of course, with reviews in between. For now, I’ll see you next time!

Ready to read in bed! Photo from my instagram.

Published by rsmcjunkins

I'm Rachel. I am an Aries, a Ravenclaw, and ISTP (Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving and represents individual's preferences in four dimensions characterizing personality type, according to Jung's and Briggs Myers' theories of personality type.) My favorite genre is fantasy, favorite music is kpop, and color is pink. I have a beautiful baby girl and a loving husband with two fur babies, one cat and one dog. I love spending time in the forest on walking trails along little streams and travelling the globe with my family.

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